Wednesday, December 7, 2011

How to Find an Agent for a Movie Idea

To find an agent, you need to draft a good query letter.

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So you've come up with a great movie idea and now you want to get it into the right hands. Finding the right agent to help pitch your movie to producers is an important step in getting your idea onto the big screen. You need an agent that believes in your idea and is willing to work as hard as you did writing it to get it sold.

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Write an engaging query letter. A query letter is a one-page cover letter that tells the agent a little about you and your movie idea. An engaging query letter should include a good hook, a brief, but well thought-out, synopsis of your story and your biography.


Find agents that specialize in entertainment and movies. Use "Writer's Market" and the Internet as resources.


Research each agent. Visit each agent's website and find information on what the types of films they represent.


Edit your cover letter to personalize it for each agent.


Follow the submission guidelines set by each agent and send your query. If you want your query letter to be read, follow the submission guidelines. Some agents prefer queries sent via regular mail, while others like email.

Tips & Warnings

Share your query letter with your writer friends for feedback before sending it out.

You may receive a lot of rejections for your idea, but try not to let it discourage you.

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References"2012 Writer's Market"; Robert Lee BrewerPhoto Credit Jupiterimages/Polka Dot/Getty ImagesRead Next:

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